
 Thursday 4th May

LO- To explore possible tasks and research similar products.

 brief 3- Website.

Pros and Cons for each brief- 

Brief 1- Magazine -Pros: Probably the easiest to do, wouldn't have to do much work outside of school, Cons for magazine: learning to photoshop and edit.

Brief 2- Music video-Pros: don't have to actually write a song or sing, don't have to be in the music video, Cons for Music video: more work outside of school, could struggle to find people to be in the music video, travelling to different places could be a struggle.

Brief 3- website-Pros: wouldn't have to do much work outside of school Cons of a website: Taking your own photos to show health and fitness.

Different websites for health and fitness for teenagers

Thursday 11th May

LO- To research codes and conventions of similar products


Create a homepage and one linked web page for a health and fitness website targeted at an audience primarily 14-18 year-olds

Research task 1-

  • All of them have at least 1 picture, all of them are similar pictures.
  • most of them have people doing activities like running, riding a bike and playing basketball but the others have people showing off a product
  • they all have the same sort of colour scheme including red, blue, yellow and white and black all are quite bright and motivational colours 
  • The logo is mostly in the middle and at the top of the homepage the design likes to the subject because most of the photos are to do with health and/or fitness and the colours that are chosen are bright and motivational 
  • most tabs at the top of the homepage are links to a health page, fitness page, food page and stuff like that
  • other links on the homepage include of links to a blog, about the persons who made the website or who the website is about
  • theres about 3 or 4 different fonts on the homepage different styles, some are bold and some are soft and elegant 

  • The linked pages look similar because they still have photos on, they still have writing on but its a bit more than the homepage.
  • Most linked pages are laid out similar they have more photos than the home page and more writing but they are laid out with a photo next to it or above it and a few paragraphs on each section
  • there are about 5-8 photos on the linked pages
  • There is about 1 or 2 different fonts used on the linked pages a bold one for the title and a more normal one for the text
  • The text is organised in quite similar sized paragraphs 

Research task 2-

the general codes and conventions are what colours, pictures, props, activities, backgrounds that are used for specific genre, they are used in things like colour scheme of a website, photos that are used on a website.

a homepage is what the website is about, what you expect to find on the website and the linked page is all the information you need to know about  certain things and you can find specific information instead of reading you can tell they are from the same site because it should still have the website at the top and although its not the same layout as the homepage the colours and fonts should still be the same.

If 14-18 year olds are looking to get healthy and fit they websites are aimed for that, trying to make teenagers motivated to achieve their goals. some teenagers might be very health and fitness based and care a lot about their health and fitness so websites could inspire people.

The logos are very plain and easy to remember and a bright motivational colour scheme


Thursday 8th June

Coursework planning

  • To plan an effective product aimed at a specific audience using appropriate codes and conventions 

  • The style of my website is going to be very minimalist because i don't want it to look cluttered 
  • and i will be using a san serif font 
  • image, main image 
  • logo is going to be bold and at the top of the page
  • homepage layout is going to be very ordered so it doesnt look messy
  • content
  • colour palette- neutral and pastel colours
  • linked page layout- 

 Website name ideas
  • FitFlow
  • body boosters
  • body benefits 
Website aim
  • To show teens the benefits of being fit and healthy, no matter your starting point, your size or anything you can do it.
Style of my website 


Slogan ideas for my website 

  • Teenage body benefits for a better future 
image ideas 

  • people of all sizes doing fitness and eating healthy

SM platforms to include

  • pinterest 
  • Instagram
  • snapchat

list info to include on homepage 

  • Navigation bar 
  • links to social media 
  • links to other health and fitness pages

  • people of all sizes 
  • very inclusive 
  • body positivity 

Video ideas 

  • a interview about someones journey in health and fitness

how am i going to make it appeal to your target audience 


Thursday 22nd June 

Adobe illustrator

LO- To explore the use of adobe illustrator to create a magazine masthead or logo


Thursday 13th July

LO to create content that meets the set brief by creating meaning for an audience of 14-18 year olds

calories a teen should be eating- Boys require an average of 2,800 calories per day. Girls require an average of 2,200 calories per day. (ages 14 to 18)


Thursday 7th September 

Statement of intent 
LO- To produce a concise and clear statement

The brief that I am doing is a health and fitness website that is aimed at 14–18-year-olds. I am doing a health and fitness website and company because I am aiming to make sure teenagers know that they don’t have to be a certain size to be healthy and to feel confident in themselves and even to try and help people reach their goals to get fitter or healthier. The name of my website is ‘BodyBenefits’ My specific target audience is boys and girls aged 14-18 who need help with self-confidence or just being healthier in general. I want people who don't feel motivated to start being the better version of themselves, my website welcomes anyone and everyone. My plan of action to make my website appeal to my target audience is to make my website as minimalistic as possible, because having it to busy could stress people out and it look like there is a lot you need to do, I am going to be using a San serif font on my page. There isn’t going to be a lot of writing on my website as teens will get bored reading it. There is going to be photos for healthy eating and very simple, yummy but healthy recipes that anyone can follow and there is going to be a list of simple things that aren’t too difficult to do but will definitely help see an improvement with your health and fitness. The colours of my website are going to be very neutral. There is going to be links to a Pinterest board for more healthy eating tips and advice. My codes and conventions will appeal to my target audience because they are young so they are going to want simple and easy things they can do to get fitter and healthier but will also help them see a massive improvement. The way I’m going to show stereotypes and anti-stereotypes is because the usual stereotype of ‘fit and healthy” is skinny and overall active or sporty person, but this is not the case and my website will show that your size doesn’t frame who you are and how healthy you are. The way I am going to get my target audience to engage and interact with my website is by adding a short video that they can watch showing them how to live a healthy lifestyle. The video is going to be of a person going on walks or even runs and overall eating healthy and showing how being fit and healthy doesn’t have to be difficult and can really make you feel happy.                                

Thursday 28th September

Do now:
Healthier eating ideas 
healthier eating options 
small things to benefit your body
best things you can do for your overall health and fitness 

WIX- pass Marley.11


homepage- photo 1, photo of someone (16 year old) doing some sort of exercise and then this written underneath.

"Do you want to know how to be the best possible version of yourself? if you do, carry on reading and exploring my page. You don't have to be really skinny to be fit and healthy, and if you are trying to lose weight you don't have to 'fast' or necessarily eat like a rabbit. This page is going to show you some body benefits and things that you can do to reach your goals."

this is what it is going to look like so far 



  • Picture 2 on the front page it will be a photo of a healthy breakfast with the recipe and a photo of what it looks like.
  • another 2 photos on the front with similar style recipes
another text to add in on my linked page

You don't need to eat like a rabbit and punish yourself to be healthy or to lose wight, here is what you need to do
  • portion control
portion control is important, you need to stick to the serving size, most foods have serving sizes on the back so its easy to track, learning portion control is a really good start to help you reach your goal
  • eating less foods full in fat and sugar
this can be difficult, but instead of eating a sugary full fat chocolate bar, have a rice cake with fruit on or even a peanut butter spread, this way its healthier and filling. you can get different flavour rice cakes, they are yummy and contain less calories.

Target Audience 

Izzy Smith, 16 year old female, who lives in south west England. Izzys favourite thing to do is be able to go out an adventures and long walks, she also loves going to the beach and spending time with her friends. She is currently studying beauty therapy at Bodmin college and has a part time job at Asda. Alishas favourite things to do is to listen to music. Izzy really wants to start working out and eating healthy as she has seen peoples progress and wants to achieve her own progress and feel better about herself. She really struggles with staying motivated and struggles with eating better. She doesn't have the time or money to get a gym membership so she wants to start at home workouts but has no idea where to start. She also wants to create an instagram page to help her stay motivated and to help other people with staying motivated and being the best versions of themselves. She is always on social media and loves using it so creating an instagram page to help her and other people would be of enjoyment to her, but its being motivated to keep posting and to workout that she struggles with. My product would appeal to her because i will be showing healthy but filling recipes that are low in calories, at home workouts she can do that are not to difficult. (boy or girl it doesn't matter)

Text to go on the linked page.  


  • Cooked
    pasta or rice:
     1/2 cup (75 and 100 grams,
  • Vegetables
    and salad:
     1–2 cups (150–300 grams)
  • Breakfast
     1 cup (40 grams)
  • Cooked
     1/2 cup (90 grams)
  • Nut butter: 2
    tablespoons (16 grams)
  • Cooked
     3 ounces (85 grams)


Thursday 2nd November 

do now: list all the different types of health and fitness articles you have in a magazine/website

  1. Interview
  2.  recipe 
  3. health tips
  4. review of.. 
  5. step by step
  6. problem page
  7. fact sheet
  8. how to 
  9. profile 

Article writing 

LO- to create a convincing article for a teen health and fitness magazine/website using appropriate language, tone and representation. 

  1. heading
  2. pictures
  3. writing 
  4. standfirst 

1. my linked page links to my homepage because my homepage has lots of healthy recipes on and my linked page will have an interview of a boy and what he done to get to the point he is now.   

2. The article that i am doing is an interview of a boy and his health and fitness journey and what it was like to get there

3.  image is going to be of the boy doing a pose to show off his progress and will have a tiny bit of information

4. yes i will use the same font on homepage and linked page

6. subheadings such as "healthy meals"

"healthy things you can do"

7.i want the person to be represented as strong and outgoing, never willing to give up and wants to help people achieve their goals 

text to go on website

This 16 year old boy, Jak Newman, has been working out for just over 2 months and this is his progress. he hated working out at first but now he really enjoys it. He does 50 push ups in the morning and 50 push ups before bed, and if he has any spare time he will do 50 push ups. he also lifts weights morning and night. He does all this from the comfort of his own bedroom. he doesn't focus on what he eats, just how much he eats. He has about 2,800 calories a day sometimes more. He controls how many calories go into meals. Here is a video of some meals that he enjoys. Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Photo before editing 


    Good - basic but covers it all.

    Excellent! i love this.

    A good start - have you done your logo design?
    I'd like to see more about how you're going to target teens specifically.


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