Music Magazines

 Monday 13th March

LO- To explore the magazine industry ownership, regulation and revenue. 

The music industry: Music magazines

Conglomerate- a large corporation that owns a large amount of media companies.

A large company that owns a lot of small companies.

Globalised- The world wide integration of media 

international product.

Diversify- where a media company moves from producing one type of product to creating different media forms

When one company produces one thing to producing different media forms.

Regulation- a rule that is made or maintained by authority 

A rule that is created by someone in charge/ blocking and monitoring media.

Revenue- The amount of money coming into a company.

The income a company is getting.

Circulation- a count of how many copies a particular publication are distributed  

An amount of copies a magazine is distributed. 

Who publishes whats on TV?- Future PLC

Radio times- Hubert Burda Media

TV choice- Bauer media

Take a break- Bauer media

Good housekeeping- Hearst communications

Glamour- Advanced publications (Conde Nast is the uk subsidiary)

Inside soap- Hearst


Subsidiary- smaller version of a conglomerate (a smaller company inside a big company)

Bauer Media- Research 

How many magazines does Bauer own? over 600 publications 

What uk music magazine does it publish? one uk music magazine 

How have they diversified the MOJO brand? by offering online in order to reduce the risk of only operating one media form

What other types of media companies does Bauer own? It operates over 150 radio brands, including Absolute Radio, KISS, Hits Radio Network, Magic, RMF, and Mix Megapol

What are the 2 agencies that regulate magazines in the UK? The independent press standards organisation (IPSO) Independent monitor for the press (IMPRESS)

Magazines receive revenue from which four sources? Advertising, Subscriptions,  Sponsored content and product placement (wearing a certain brand or holding a can of coke in a photo) and Events

I think theres been a dramatic fall in print magazine sales over the past 10 years because phones and the internet has became more popular, these days you can find everything online.

How are print companies responding to the fall in print magazine sales and advertising? moving their product online to make it successful. 


Monday 27th March

Music Genres

LO- To identify and explain different music genres 

Genre = Type 

1.  Country- his costume, the hat, and the jeans with the double denim top, his belt, quite tanned which is a stereotype of county, and the guitar 

2. rock- their clothing, hair is long and the scruffy hair fits the rock aesthetic, the leather jacket, ages 40-50.

3. pop- well put together, hair and makeup is done, late 20s early 30s, done itch music now, pop has its prime era, pop is quite modern music, outfit looks quite modern.

  • R&B
  • Pop
  • Rock
  • Country
  • Hip hop
  • Rap
  • Jaz
  • Classical
  • Dance
  • heavy metal
  • Reggae
  • Indie 
  • Indie pop
  • Grunge
  • Drum and base 
  • Alternative 
  • Techno 
  • Disco
  • Drill
  • Punk rock 


  • Quite loud but also have songs that aren't as loud, lots of instruments.
  • lots of different instruments
  • Sings about drugs and other quite serious things

Singing about rape, serious subject. shows the general stereotype of the rock genre 



Singing about a relationship and being stuck on a relationship, shows the general stereotype of pop music 

  • All quite young
  • Sing about relationships
  • all well put together, nice outfit, nice makeup
  • Expensive jewellery 
  • Not as shouty as rock, less instruments used than rock 




Singing about his past life and drugs also shows the general stereotype of rappers, bad childhood growing up, involved with drugs 

  • Most big rappers are Predominately Black, very few white rappers 
  •  Mostly sing about drugs, past relationships, current relationships and their past
  • very few to no instruments used, mainly free style or just have a beat
  • wearing expensive jewellery, quite baggy clothing 
  • Not very loud, sort of stick to the same tone throughout the song, lots of rhyme, swearing, alliteration-etc

 Target audience of rap is older teenagers and young adults 

Eminem set up his own radio station called "shade 45" in 2004, the station is on Sirus XM Radio channel 45 in the united states, broadcasting uncensored rap music, as well as playing other rappers such as 50 cent, Kanye west and Kendrick lamar , there is no restrictions on his radio station shade 45.

The source - the magazine of Hip Hop, Culture and Politics




All quite high profile rappers, Eminem, 50 Cent, Kendrick lamar and Tupac shakur 


Monday 24th April

LO- To explore the terminology and genres of popular music and magazines.

Music Magazines

Typography-  the art of arranging letters and text in a way that makes the copy legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader

Arrangement of words

Layout- the way in which the parts of something are arranged or laid out.

Arranged on a page

Lexis- the total stock of words in a language.


Colour pallet - range of colours that can be displayed on a device screen or other interface, orin some cases, a collection of colours and tools for use in paint andillustration programs.

Colour scheme 

Miss-en-Scene- the arrangement of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film.

Props, costume, makeup


Lots of red, greens, black, dark and dull colours, one person per magazine, confident look, very straight forward look, mid shot big and bold font, All sort of laid out the same, masthead is always at the top of the page, all have tattoos, no props 

Mid shot, dark colours like red and black, words are in big and bold, one person per magazine, most of them are holding instruments, dark makeup

Bright colours, some are solo artists some are bands, very relaxed photos, mid shots, mixture of boys and girls, font isn't as big and bold, kind of matches the artist very relaxed fonts, all have the same sort of layout, quite cluttered and again masthead is at the top of the page 


Monday 22nd May

Music magazine genres


bright colours- upbeat, bright makeup and outfits 

Image of a solo person, mid shots and close shots, happy 

bold fonts, colourful colour of fonts

Mathshead is at the top barcode at the bottom on most of them


Black, greys, whites and reds 

most photos are in a group, no solo rock artists 

leather jackets, jeans, guitars, black eyes  


Red, blues, white, black, yellows 

most of them are solo artists, face shots

Bold fonts 

in hoodies and baggy clothes, jewellery, hats, bandanas

male artists

Genre and Target Audience

LO- to identify target audience for a variety of music magazine genres and link to genre codes 

1. audience 



where they live


2. Cover could appeal





people on the front


Demographics- The factual date like age, gender, marital status and income.

Psychographics- Lifestyles, behaviours and attitudes such as Personality, values, attitudes, interests and personality. 

The dark colours, black, white, red and grey all suggest anger, showing us that its a rock magazine the colours are quite a serious and mature colour pallet the maturity doesn't come in age but with their music commitment , the facial expression also shows us that they are being loud, screaming and shouting appealing to the younger audience as they are stereotypically loud.The bold fonts are appealing to the target audience because it can show danger, and it says "never afraid to push boundaries" proving that they are dangerous. The audience is energetic and love being loud.

quite neutral colours shows mature and serious about life, and minimalistic. 15-34 year olds is the average age to get a job and earn a lot of money, meaning that classical appeals to their main target audience, most of their target audience is male meaning high income males are their main target audience.have money to go to concerts and see performances but are also quite old fashioned and classic so they use CDS. The violin, whats she's wearing and how her hair is styled shows that the magazine is classical. seems quite quiet, keep themselves to themselves.

text- The text used on the front cover is a serif font with script built into it. the font shows very elegant and high educated people and shows wealthy and care free people. this reflects a highly educated audience and reinforces the idea of tradition musical values, making music. The elegant font is trying to appeal to the people who enjoy reading music.

Lexis- words like "brilliant, exciting and power" are very powerful words showing the power in music and the power in her. this appeals to the audience because the audience finds power in music. 

The font used in the music cover is Sans serif and shows the boldness of the magazine, links well with the bright and bold colours, neon pink and the purples show pop/alternative. the contrast of the props with the colours show romance, along with the black "romantic" shirt. This reflects very young and romantic audience that is into pop.


Monday 26th June


LO- to review and reflect on the EOY exam and set personal target

Question 1- Ofcom 

Film- BBFC 

Advertising- ASA

Magazines and newspapers- IPSO and IMPRESS


Question 2- in the teenage dirtbag music video, they use things like zooming in with the camera, they zoom in on the girl to show how she is pretty and show everyone that she is the prize/trophy, and is also implying that every girl should look like that. in the skater boy music video, there is a lot more zoomed out clips to show sort of what is going on the actual music video.  

Media language





Music videos- Teenage dirtbag and skater boy

Question 3-

In radio one live lounge, the target audience is 15-29 year olds they have to follow this because of the radio 1 remit, and the ways that they keep up with following the remit is doing different activities and playing certain music aimed at their remit target audience. Radio 1 is a PSB radio station so it is funded by the public. one way they target their audience is by playing different music fitting in their audience range. they also do lots of competitions, such as winning money or winning a family day out or even winning a holiday which would attract 15-29 year olds because its exciting and something to do. They also show local information and news to keep people updated and to make money.

Question 6-


Question 7-

One reason a film company would link a video game to a film is to make more money and to give the audience more opportunities to expand their love for the film and to be able to express themselves during a video games because there is loads of different worlds in the film

Question 8-

uses and gratifications  (PIES)


personal identity 


social interaction 

One way that the lego movie uses gratifications is through personal identity, this is shown through the use of characters. In the lego movie there is a bunch of different characters that all have different meanings and has a use for each person, like wise, wyldStyle is aimed at teenage girls. the use of personal identity through characters really helps people figure out who they are and who they relate to.


Monday 10th July


LO- To explore and define the magazines target audience

Genre- Rock

Publisher- Bauer media

Target audience- 30-45

circulation- 62,733

brand- Well know, respected, known as a very good quality magazine. 

  • The most successful magazines are the luxury brands 

There is huge online competition 

  • The luxury brands use the advantages of the print media by using high quality photographers.
these advantages add onto the brand image and attract advertising from high status brands
  • MOJO magazine has some aspects of the quality monthly but it uses a lighter weight paper and is only semi glossy.
MOJO magazines retains enough quality to enable it to survive as a paid for print.

Does it cover current musicians, established or both? - 


What do you get each month?- 

Definitive cover feature on an iconic act: a bespoke CD, and their famous reviews section, the filer, which brings you 30 pages plus of the best of that months music, both classical and contemporary.

What are they and their readers passionate about? -


  • Weekly magazines target an audience that is more working class than middle class
The paid for magazines witch the highest working class readership are take a break.
  • The quality monthly magazines tend to target a more middle class audience
the magazine with the highest middle class readership are the monthlies good house keeping.
  • the most popular weekly and monthly magazines have predominantly female readerships
magazines aimed at men have lower circulation.

have a small circulation of about 68,000 and a readership of abiut 138,000. 

Class- equal share of middle class and working class readers
Gender- Four times as likely to be read by men than women
Age- about 65% are over 35 but a higher proportion of 15-34 year olds read it.

1- 53% of mojo readers access music through vinyl but they also value CDs (80%) so they can listen in the car. also has because a frequent user of online streaming (48% of mojo listeners and readers also access music this way)

2- interests of music such as the Beatles, Dylan, Bowie,Pink floyd, NEIL young and the rolling stones and he likes going to music festivals big and small gigs. 

3- He is a professional and has a high disposable income 

4- He loves music and music has always defined him

5- loves music, has always ket music define him, goes to loads of music festivals and listens to music all the time.

6- because it simply encourages him to buy and listen to more music.

MOJO uses and gratifications

Personal identity- The magazine reflects the audiences passion for music. 

Information- more information about famous artists, always makes sure there is new information.

Entertainment- music, reviews, information, ideas and interviews and a free CD.

Social interaction- Talk about the CD with mates, could lend your mates the CD.

Audience activity and interpretation 

1- reading a magazine is more active because you can start and stop whenever you want and you can chose what you want to do

2- Choosing what magazine you want to buy is active because you are not forced to buy a certain gene of music because it is your choice.

3- mainstream pop listener would not like mojo because mojo is rock.

4- an older lover of classic rock would love mojo.


Tuesday 5th September 

1)The way we can tell that the music magazine is for both male and female through the media language is the words that are used such as there are female artists, and that there is a photo of a male on the front (Drake) the colours used on the front cover are quite mutual colours therefore it appeals to both male and female.

2)cultured- violin- musical- classical, talent and skill

Masthead- script font- traditional, elegant and higher class

red- educated cultured- red = love and passion for classical music

language- reader well educated classical music because of terminology and names of composer.

3) we can tell that the readers of this magazine are intreated in quality music and have taste through the names of some of the artists of the magazine cover such as santana the go betweenes , David Johansan and madona and each of these artists are old showing they like old music. She is dressed more gothic and more "manly" which cold show how shes in charge and more dominant, it shows personal identity because people could have the same style or like her style and could inspire them.


LO- to explore the appeal of mojo magazine to its target audience

Music magazine audience is active because they get to chose which music they listen to and if they listen to music

Uses and gratification 

Personal identity 



Social interaction 

Information- the amount of writing and information that is on the context page shows that is provides lots of information for the audience. 

Entertainment- includes a free 15 track CD and has a 145 reviews , colourful 

Social interaction- Find out new information to talk about with your friends or people who are interested, could talk about new albums and "hot news"


Tuesday 3rd October 


  1.  What is media language? Editing, camerwork, miss-en-scene, language, lexis, layot, colour pallet. 
  2. What is industry? any company that is to do with the media.
  3. What is audience? A number of people in a group watching or or looking at the media.
  4. What is representation? How something is presented.
  5. What is context? what was going on at the time.

Teenage dirtbag-
what are the representations, how are groups of people presented.

Explain how and why music videos create representations that are different from one another. refer to one example of contrasting representations in two music videos you have studied to support your answer.

Teenage dirtbag 
USA high school- 

Jocks- popular and mean, people are scared of them, wearing a typical "jock" jacket, stereotypical of sporty american jocks, walk in a group and act like they own the school, always with the popular girls. pushing people over, confident, respected, slow motion long shot of jocks walking through the school and everyone moving out the way.

Popular pretty girl- wears tight clothes but not to revealing, typical blonde girl, constant shots of the loser looking at her, close ups pf her, always happy, she's dating the jock, 

Loser group- wears a weird hat and is always wearing a lot of layers, books in his hand, getting knocked over, eating on his own and reading his books, zooming out to emphasis that he is alone, everyone walks past him holding an L on their head, calling hm a loser.

Skater Boy representations-

Group- all happy, not a toxic friend group and all get along, getting along with each other, having an illegal street concert and smashing things up, in an abandoned building, breaking the rules, graffiti, driving a car recklessly, all squished in the back with no seatbelt, she's sat on their knee to fit in 

Avril Lavigne- leader, rebellious, not the typical girly girl, she's wearing baggy clothes, skates, wears a backwards hat, friends with just boys, she's respected by the boys and listened to, camera is always on her, low angle shots, very fast pace, hand held camera, all emphasising the disobedient behaviour, she isn't sexualised     

A representation in Teenage dirtbag is how confident the jocks are, this is shown when the jocks are walking through the school in slow motion and a long shot angle, confidently showing their popularity and how they are respected and everyone moved out of the way for them, this would boost their ego emphasising their confidence. This completely contrasts with the group of teens in Skater boy because the group don't care about what people think of them and have no one to impress, this represents their disobedient behaviour. In skater boy the camera was mainly hand held and very fast pace shots, emphasising their disobedience and their enjoyment for breaking the rules.

Another representation in teenage dirt bag is the stereotypical popular girly girl who wears a lot of makeup, and the typical girly outfit, she is loved by all the boys and is always smiling, this emphasises her popularity and her good looks. This contrasts with Skater boy 


Tuesday 10th October 


1. What is mise en scene- setting clothes, makeup and props
2. what is editing- how the videos are put together, any animations
3. what is camera work- how the video is recorded 
4. what is sound- The noise, music, conversation, adding of sound, Diegetic and non diegetic, ambient sound
5. what is a narrative- Linear story, performance story non linear narrative

non diegetic- any sound that is non-diegetic is for the audience's ears only

diegetic- Sound that originates from within the video or film's world 

LO- to explore exam style questions and practice exam technique for question 4 focusing on media language and representation

Representation of the musicians-

How are they shown or presented.

The representations in the mojo magazine cover is that the musician is a mysterious man who has a dark and unknown past. This is clear because on the cover it says " Rocks dark knight on surviving the kinks and saving his soul" saving his soul could suggest that the musician has been through a lot and has a dark past that no one knows about. Another representation that shows us that he is mysterious is that the main cover image is in black and white which is clearly showing mystery and unknownness. The connotations to religion could show us that maybe he is religions himself and relied on god to save him through whatever he went through in the past. 

Representations of age OR gender.

The representations of age on the cover of the mojo magazine is serious and has a negative affect, this is seen from the main image of the middle aged, maybe even older man and the cover lines around him. 'There are a lot of grievers out there' and the CD that is called 'Murder ballads' this has connotations to death meaning that getting old could mean dark, serious, confrontational, this is also clear through the use of the colour pallet, with the colour pallet being black, white and red, this shows serious and dark as red is the same colour of blood therefore linking all the connotations of death together. 

Another representation of age on the mojo magazine cover is confidence, showing that when you get older the moe confident you have to be. Confidence is clear through the mid shot of the main cover image, showing he has a serious face but his posture is very confident. And he is looking straight at the camera showing direct address making his confidence very clear.


Tuesday 31st October 

Do now:

1. what is Shot type- The angle of a shot or how zoomed in or out.

2. what is typeface- The design of letters.

3. what is colour palette- The colours that are used.

4. what is lexis- The words used.

5. what is a masthead- The main title of a magazine.

LO- To explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q5 focusing on media language and representation.

15 marks and needs a conclusion 

Judge and conclude

Context- What is going on in the world at the time. sexuality, multiculturalism. celebrity culture and consumerism.

1. The layout is cluttered

2. That theres a lot going on and to in your face

3. the colour palette is saturated

4.The choice of colour suggest that its upbeat music because its very bright and happy colurs

1. The layout is ordered and shows its formal.

2. this suggest that this is a very calm and formal magazine this is also seen with the sansserif font, classical.

3. The colour palette is muted, greys and blacks shows its dull.

4. the choice of colour suggests that its very calm and quiet music that is for quite and calm people.

1. Mainly sans serif front on the front cover

2. San serif shows that its bold, modern, could show confidence of the singer 

3. The font style of the main cover line shows the music is up to date style and therefore up to date music for the audience 

4. The use of muted colour palette shows the realism that the magazine is trying to promote in the music and the artist, making them appear natural and everyday.

the text is mainly san serif font. The choice of this suggests the bold nature of the magazine, it also suggests the bold nature of the magazine, it also suggests a modern twist to the magazine with up to date style therefore up to date music for the audience, The use of a muted colour palette in the main cover image is shown, this reflects the realism that the magazine is trying to promote in the music and the artist, making them appear natural and everyday.


Tuesday 7th November 

Do now:

1. Babyboomer- People born in the years following WW2

2. Diversification- The process of varying products

3. Audience address - How the text speaks to the audience and involves and influences them

4. Discerning- Having good judgement 

5. House style- A company's preferred manner of presentation and layout of written material 

LO- To explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q5 focusing on media language and representation.


15 marks = 15 mins

How far...

opinion and why

Context- Life at the time

Gender roles- more equality 

Attitudes to sexuality- still hate crimes but improved attitudes to support LGBTQ+


Celebrity culture-


Shot type- Medium long shot

Star vehicle- David Bowie

Colour palette- Purple, Pink, White, Feminine  

Bands/Artists mentioned- The Beatles, The Byrds, Wayne Karmer, OH sees. Millie Jackson, John Coltrane, Echo and the bunny-men 7- 7 other artists mentioned.

Masthead style- White, sans serif, shadow, bold. uppercase

Main cover line style- pink, white and black, san serif, uppercase, big and bold,

Minor cover line style- white and black, sans serif

Puff- pink, white and black

USP(freebies) pink and white, free 15 track CD

Placement of text- text is around the outside of the main image

Genre codes- 

Lexis- the words used

The magazine uses a colour palette that consists of purple, pink and white, this saturated colour palette suggest that this magazine its fun, vibrant, exciting and has stories that makes the audience want to read on. The feminine and pastel like colours suggest that David Bowie doesn't care about gender representations and thinks boys should be able to like pink and not get judged for it, so the colours could connote Davids views. 

The magazine has a muted colour palette this is different from the Mojo magazine of David Bowie. The muted colour palette of browns. greens, whites, and greys,  suggests that the magazine is calm and could be quite serious. The star vehicle looks very serious and is wearing a brown suite which shows quite old and not modern. The muted colour palette could show us that there are very serious stories in the magazine which is typically for older people generation that like normal and everyday rather than bright, colourful and outgoing. The muted colour palette shows that this is different from the saturated David Bowie magazine.


Tuesday 21st November 

Do now:

1. Genre codes- certain things that link with a certain genre.

2. Intertextuality- The relationship between products where one text references another text by reusing some of its ideas and meanings aka ( lego movie, Batman, Batman is from another media text but also in lego movie)

3. Typography- The font of the words, letters and size

4. Connotations- multiple things that link to one thing (suggested meaning)

5. Lexis- The actual words used 

6. What are the contextual issues that might be reflected in magazines today?

Expect to see more gender equality

multicultural society 

More supportive about sexuality

celebrity culture 

Music industry Q5

L/O: To explore the exam style question for a music magazine and music video

How far is media language used differently in the extracts from mojo and other to reflect genre conventions?

15 marks

In your answer you must

Analyse examples of how media language is used differently in extracts

Make judgment and reach conclusions about wether there are more similarities due to conventions than differences in the extracts 

Media language- Text, Images, cover lines, colour, Props, where its set, what they are wearing, layout

1. Shot type- close mid shot

1 young single female artist

revealing clothes, gloves

Gold head dress shows wealth, power, throne ling and queens

Pop royalty

Greek goddess 

2. Colour pallet 

Black, yellow, white, brown 

Text is saturated as its bright, quite warm colours tho, yellow would show warmth, suggest happiness, positive, possibly relaxed 

3. layout

4 cover lines, ordered layout which gives an idea of formality, organised 


sans serif font in lower case, no capital letter for billboard could show they don't care about rules, rebellious but relaxed. Shows modern clean lines

1. 11 images rather than 1 main cover image is a group- Beatles, Old well known male group

2. wearing suits, everyone of them are covered to their necks unlike Shakira who is basically wearing nothing. Suits show power and formal, not serious and not sexualised in any way possible. Looking up shows there are god like and shows importance. 

Saturated colour pallet like Shakira but uses different colours multicoloured shows psychedelic reflects 1960s 

Very cluttered layout unlike Shakira who had a clean layout, this shows that its a fun magazine, lots of things to share and exciting. has 11 cover lines 

Sans serif font. 

The media language in both magazines is different, this is because one is pop and one is rock, in the Mojo magazine the layout of the cover is very cluttered. There are 11 cover lines, 11 images and its just all over the place, this shows that the magazine is fun, outgoing and has a lot of information to share about lots of different things. On the other hand, The layout of billboard magazine of Shakira is very ordered which gives the idea of formality and being organised, could also symbolise power.

Another way that the media language is different is the colour pallet, in the Mojo magazine of the Beatles the colour pallet is saturated and is full of bright colours which show positivity and happiness, also attracts people because the colours are fun and unique and you wouldn't really associate bright colours with a rock magazine. Similarly, the billboard magazine is saturated including the colours, yellow, white, gold, black and browns. The gold on this magazine could show wealth but also show how powerful Shakira is. The gold could symbolise royalty or even a goddess.

 In conclusion, the way media language is different is also shown in what the artists are wearing. In the billboard magazine Shakira is wearing hardly anything which is sexualising her in a way but also proves that she is powerful and doesn't care what anyone has to say about her. On the other hand, unlike the Beatles who are fully clothed and are wearing full suits up to their necks which isn't sexualising them in any way what so ever so is the completely opposite than Shakira. The fact that Shakira is being sexualised reflects how women are still sexualised in 2023 and that its normal to sexualise women. 


Tuesday 28th November 


The media language is used differently in the two magazines covers, because of the generic conventions of the magazines and the audience appeal. The mastheads on the two magazines are clearly different. Billboard uses lower case letters, yellow, sans serif type. The use of the lower case gives a sense of informality and rebellion as it refuses to use a capital letter for the name of the magazine. The use of the yellow gives a positive and happy mood to the cover. The use of the sans serif font gives a modern, clean and informal feel to the cover and magazine. The masthead therefore appeals to the younger audience by giving an overall youthful and up to date version of music. 

The media language is used differently in the two magazine covers, because of the generic conventions of the magazines and the audience appeal. the masthead on the two magazines are clearly different. Mojo uses capital letters, white and sans serif. The capital letter at the start of the name shows formality and smart, and following the rules. The white gives a sense of plain and formal and modern. The sans serif font also helps with the modern clean look that contrasts with the actual magazine as its really cluttered.


Tuesday 23rd January 

Do now:

Who regulates:

Film- BBFC

TV&Radio- Ofcom

Advertising- ASA

Magazines&Newspapers- IPSO

Video games- Video standards council  

LO- To review and reflect on the PPE media exam and set personal targets.

Bauer Media owns radio stations as well as magazines. Identify the word that describes adding other areas of business in this way-  Conglomerate 

question 2- Explain one way that radio stations target their audience.Use Radio 1 Live Lounge as an example in your answer

Content of Music- To attract an older audience a radio station could play older music or have a set programme to feature music from. 60s+70s

Question 3- Explain how music videos explore themes or issues. Refer to the pair of music videos you have studied from the list bellow in your answer. 

Teenage dirtbag


Alienation, exclusion- Eating his lunch alone

school life- been bullied e.g gets pushed over, food taken off him, being kicked

Teenage love/relationships

Skater boy


rebellion- street concert, stood on a car

Question 4- Refer to extracts 1 and 2 in the insert. Analyse one difference in representations in these extracts from Gramophone and MOJO magazines.

Social group- A group of people e.g young people, old people, young people, old people, rich people, poor people. Stereotype, views and messages

Differences of representation

  • Old vs Young
  • Males vs Female
  • Classical vs Rock 

Question 5-

Refer to extracts 1 and 2 in the insert, how far do extracts in 1 and 2 use different media language to convey different messages and values

In your answer you must: 

Analyse the media language in extracts 1 and 2 which are from gramophone and MOJO magazine

Make judgements and draw conclusions 

MOJO's more saturated colour palette conveying the value of energy and excess contrasting with the more subdued palette of the Gramophone front cover conveying the value of subtlety and sophistication.

Introduction- Extracts 1 and 2 use media language differently to show different messages and values

Masthead- in MOJO and has different to Gramophone




Conclusion- In conclusion, the media language used is very different in fonts, colour palette and the lexis. This creates very different values and messages.

Identify the company that produced the Lego movie video game- TT Fusion/ Warner brothers

Question 8- Explain 2 reasons why film distributors usually release in cinemas first.

Profit- They make money from sales of cinema tickets

Film premier- Celebrities around it make it more exciting. 

Awards-So the film counts as a film for awards

Question 9- Explain at least 2 reasons why Hollywood film companies use merchandising such as the lego movie video game to promote films-

Brings in a bigger profit for warner bros as they produced both the film and own the company who created the video game.

Video game first- More promotion and audience awareness.

Wider audience- older audience- Video game, Film younger

Video game is 10+ and the lego movie film is a (U) 

Putting them both out would attract a much wider audience 

The video game extends the enjoyment of the film, video game has 90+ characters and get to know the characters more, allowed more characters and info for the audience and allows more interest.

Question 10- Analyse the use of genre conventions in the trailer for the Lego movie

Conventions- What is expected

2mins, short, intro to characters, show you exciting bits of film


  1. 27/3- Excellent research and notes from the lesson, Great work! T2: can you analyse any of the lyrics and what they show about the genre.

  2. MUSIC VIDEOS: (Can't comment on music industry page)

    NOTES: good notes on both case studies

    WWW: good use of terminology and you explain the effect of the elements used.
    EBI: make sure you are using specific, detailed examples from the videos to support your ideas

    4 marker - good answer with both MV covered and explained (4)

    10 marker - great first attempt. (7)
    WWW: you identified two stereotypes from each MV and explained how they were constructed.
    EBI: use detailed examples from specific shots or scenes

  3. 5/9- Great work today, well done, excellent start to Y11.

  4. 19/9- Please attempt the work on music videos question 2. this is on my blog and also the email that I sent with all the work on.

  5. 10/10- Great start to your analysis here. T: 3.Add another paragraph to expand your answer

  6. 21/11- Great work here. T: 3. Another analysis paragraph needed for your response from the notes we made.


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